Our Aim

How Unique & Exclusive is our Online Magazine?
Rural to global…..
All the Offshore works of KANNADA TIMES magazine are done in rural tranquility . Its headquarters is located in Honagodu. A media initiative program is to empower rural flock is our endeavors.
Emphasis to Information..
WWW.KANNADATIMES.COM does not impose any restriction to the number of words in any article. We do not intend to disfigure the beauty of an article by doing so. Both the writer and the reader can go to any depth of a matter. We assure the writers that KANNADA TIMES gives complete flexibility on the length and depth of the article. But for any reason we do not publish pessimistic news and articles, any anti-social subjects or any article which can hurt other sentiments and belief. We never entertain writing gossips in our magazine.
A Knowledge Gallery not a pamper..
We don’t emphasize on not so relevant breaking news! KANNADA TIMES does not anticipate the ephemeral fame gained through attractive and amusing news to the public. Unlike all these Medias the Kannadatimes.com wishes our readers would take some erudition to their intuition. Broadcasting the wisdom is our aim !
Reading interest….passion for writing
Cultivating the habit of reading …and through that, kindling the writing skill in each Kannadiga is one of the goal of KANNADA TIMES magazine!
Respect for freedom of expression
KANNADA TIMES Online Magazine respects the freedom of expression. Therefore it publishes all kinds of rational literatures without binding to any philosophies and dogmas. But writers are the whole and sole responsible for any of the published article. Each and every article is the personal opinion, expression and feelings of the writer, not the voice of the magazine.