One Comment

  1. Dear Sir,

    I heard your talk on CAA on Youtube and would like to congratulate you. What is required is more of such talks and discussions. I give here below my rhetoric, though dangerous, is effective to counter the Sangha Parviar as well as the Congress in one go. Whether we can try this:

    Make no mistake, with Amit Shah at the helm of affairs, Muslims will not only lose their properties, (only then will Azim Premzis, viz, the wealthy amongst Muslims, openly start mobilising for support against CAA and NRC) they will also lose voting rights and you will have a Israel Palestine situation in India with thousands of camps all over India when Muslims will be forced to stay away from their homes and Ambanis, Tatas, Birlas, Adanis, Kiran Majumdar Shahs, Narayanamurthys, will have their industries and malls in places which were earlier Muslim enclaves. BJP is openly telling that they have a ready model in Israel to confirm the fate of Muslims. Unless Communist parties, Muslim and Dalits as a whole take extreme positions we will not be able to fight the viles of the BJP. Let the so called moderates and secularists understand that ultimately their secularism can be saved by Muslims and surely not on their own strength, far they have hardly any support amongst the Ambanis, Tatas, Birlas, Kiran Majumdar Shahs, Narayanamurthys. Gandhian thinking and Gandhi as an appendage (who had his ear first to the Birlas and later to other things) may only delay the Israel-Palestine like situation in India a couple of decades (which has already occured in Gujarat and ‘thriving’). In the meanwhile irreparable damange will have been done to Muslims and Dalits all over India.

    It is high time that as a counter to CAA and NRC Muslims, Dalits and Sikhs, viz, those outside the Hindu fold, call for agitation for separate electorate(which may even dissuade the Khalistanis and even Kashmiri Muslims fighting for independence) like the one granted by the British, which was thwarted by Gandhi. This can become one of the strategies to fight the BJP and its fascism and make India federal not only in terms of territory but in terms of composition of its polity.

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